Seek in the Suffering
Seek in the suffering.
We spend so much of our energy avoiding suffering in our culture. Although it is our nature to avoid what is hard, it is interesting to think about. When we struggle we can become stronger so why then are we so avoidant of it?
When we find ourselves suffering we immediately reach out for the nearest most assessable relief. This tends to be food, alcohol, entertainment, sex, revenge….there is an endless list of distractions that will relieve, for a small moment, the suffering state we find ourselves in. A small moment is the key to remember. This is suffering in vain; always seeking after small moments of relief.
When we suffer in vain and nothing good ever comes from the struggle, it seems obvious we should avoid it at all costs, but suffering is not for nothing. It is only for nothing when we allow it to be. How do we allow suffering to be for nothing? By feeding it, thus allowing it to grow. We feed our suffering by ignoring it, avoiding it, reveling in the victim it made of us, and by distracting ourselves with a momentary comfort hoping that eventually it will just all go away. Everyone has a go to momentary comfort and comforts are fine, as long as it doesn’t hinder the work of the suffering. Otherwise, you will suffer long and eventually you will suffer hard. Once you suffer hard, your go to comfort becomes your vice and your vice becomes a new painful suffering.
When we willingly suffer through the present challenge, deep breaths, eyes open and spirit sober, we learn. We learn first that we are alive-even in this present suffering. We learn that we can face it straight on, fearlessly or even fearfully, but sober minded and we can seek after what we need to learn from it. We can find where our spirit is weak and strengthen it, for the weaker the spirit the greater we suffer for nothing. As a muscle needs to lift a heavy weight in order to become stronger, the spirit needs a heavy suffering to build up strength. Suffer with willingness, but do not suffer willingly only to ease the suffering, this will also be for naught. Suffer willingly to chastise the flesh and strengthen the spirit. When the flesh is weak but the spirit is strong we can face hardship with confidence and hope. When the spirit is weak the flesh can seem all powerful and suffering can feel too impossible.
The flesh fills us with hopelessness, and when the spirit is weak that hopelessness can completely permeate every aspect of our lives. The spirit tells us all things are possible and there is hope and when the spirit becomes stronger than the flesh it permeates all aspects of our lives with hope. The flesh says this is all for nothing, the spirit says it is for EVERYTHING. Do not believe the flesh when suffering, make it weak. Ask yourself what does the flesh need to learn from this present suffering; love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control? Seek it, Him, the Lord of all with all your heart, and your suffering will ALWAYS produce fruit, a stronger spirit. The suffering may not totally leave… maybe not ever, but the spirit will become stronger and with a stronger spirit the burden of the suffering becomes lighter. Do not suffer in vain, lean into it, face it without momentary relief and allow it to make your spirit strong.
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